Moving sucks. You go through everything you own, and wonder why you own so much shit. You throw stuff away. You pack the items you know you want to keep. You make huge piles of items to sell or donate. Then you pack up everything else, knowing that you probably don't need it all, but loathe to toss it before you have a chance to go through it all carefully.
And then you move. And the unpacking begins.
Me: So, we have like 8 quart size storage containers without lids.
Hubby: Should we get rid of them?
Me: I dunno. We might use them. Maybe?
Hubby: Maybe we should toss them.
Me: You may be right.
Hubby: Did you find the yellow cups yet?
Me: No. I hope they didn't get tossed. They were a matched set!
(These yellow cups are 32 oz. yellow plastic with the logo for a coin operated laundromat in Nacogdoches, TX. They are tacky as hell, but they are big and perfect for a big glass of water. Plus they are dishwasher safe. Oh well. Then there were fourteen boxes marked "Master Bath".)
Me: So, what is in this box?
Hubby: What does it say?
Me: Huh. There are four different labels. Mather bath. Kitchen. Hubby shoes. Misc.
Hubby: I am pretty sure that kitchen one is from when my grandmother moved.
Me: So, Master bath or shoes?
Hubby: I think my mom packed that box.
Me: ...Oh.
Hubby: What's in it?
Me: I haven't opened it yet. I lost my screwdriver.
Hubby: (whipping out his pocketknife) I'll get it.
Me: Nonono! My screwdriver is here somewhere!
Hubby: (opening box) Huh. I guess I didn't need to buy another package of razor blades.
Me: (looking in box) You bought more blades? So we have eight thousand blades for you.
Hubby: Where were these?
Me: It says master bath.
Hubby: Huh...
(And then there was the kitchen I spent hours organizing early one morning when I couldn't go back to sleep.)
Hubby: Where did the plates go?
Me: I moved them to the cabinet over there.
Hubby: But I thought you put them over the dishwasher.
Me: Well, I did, originally. But then I thought it made more sense over there.
Hubby: So where did the Boy's medicine wind up?
Me: Over the coffee maker.
Hubby: Okay. Hmmm.
Me: What?
Hubby: I cannot find the silverware now.
Me: (exploding) I just put everything where it was in the old kitchen! It makes perfect sense!
Hubby: (backing away) But the layout is different than in the old kitchen.
Me: Well, yeah. But the order is the same.
Hubby: Okay, look, I will try to figure this out. Now where did the cereal go?
Me: In the pantry.
Hubby: I don't see it.
Me: It is right in front of you! (looking) Huh. Wait, I know where it is... It was in that box marked Kitchen items.
I have made enough trips to Salvation Army that the old guy, who seems awfully reserved when he takes your bags and items, actually smiled at me the last trip. I think he is gonna smile again when he finds me buying back the yellow cups that we cannot find and are certain wound up inadvertently in the 'Donate' box.
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