Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Artistic Supporter

It has been awhile since I posted. When last I posted, Africa had only fallen partway into chaos...

I just spent DAYS helping to jury a studio tour. It is a really cool event, and I am serving my second year on the planning committee. This is one of my volunteer roles in the community. Today, I estimated my total hours spent on this committee, and I estimated around 110 hours over the course of the event. That is a lot of hours, for no pay.

My husband asked me this evening, as I prepared for an art modeling gig, why I enjoy doing it. I spent five minutes attempting to answer his question, and finally had to give up. I thought about it as I sat still and said nothing for twenty minute blocks tonight.

I think I like art modeling for the same reason I like the studio tour. I cannot be an artist, so I am an artistic supporter. Yes, I am an artist- in performing and literary arts. (Okay, maybe it is an arrogant stretch to claim literary artist yet.) But, that is not quite what I mean.

I have always loved visual art. I remember starving myself for a 24 hour period so I could go look at art the way Hemingway did in A Moveable Feast. Granted, he was starving for real when he went to the Louvre, and I was a silly 16 year old girl looking at a summer college art show. I spend birthday money on art, and acting money, and sometimes, the Husband's money.... I attend art show openings whenever I can, and freely admit to spending part of a girl's weekend away in DC... at the Freer Gallery.

I sketch. I took a costume design class in college, and learned most of the art techniques I possess in that class. I learned how to render a human figure, mix colors, and draw clothing. It was a good class. I sketch the clothing I try to describe in my writing, and I often sketch the costumes for my theatre classes. I spent a few years (pre-baby) carrying around a pad and pencils, sketching nature, people, and objects. I would love to take a drawing class.

I dabble, let's be honest. I like it, but there are only so many things a girl can tackle, and tackle well. The last several days, I spent time discussing various artists' work with two women who ARE artists. I can see a piece of pottery and know that I like it. These ladies can look at it, and understand the skill involved, the process used, how it was glazed, if mistakes were made, etc. I learned just from listening to their critiques. And I learn while art modeling for open sessions and classes. The artists discuss their work, both the artistic and the business aspects. The teachers discuss choices or mistakes their students make, and work with them to improve their craft.

I just sit there, quiet, not moving... but listening. And I love it. Even now, as I sit here with my neck stiff and sore, with cosmetics still on my face, I can honestly admit that I might do it for free. If the right artist asked, if the opportunity was interesting enough, I probably would...

...well, unless it was nude modeling. Yeah, I don't do that, even for a paycheck.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hi. My name is General Madera.

I started writing the short story/ prologue. It could be its own novel. It could be. But, I am working to keep it manageable. Rather, I plan to mercilessly slash it down after I have it all done. It is around ten pages right now. I like editing down. I think this will be interesting. It is fun tweaking words, compressing information, and leaving what is important.

I am learning a lot of things about the world, and what happened. I actually had to take the time to write down a timeline of events. This involved flipping back and forth through a lot of material. It was worth it. I suspect the timeline for this world will become ever more detailed.

Oh, I didn't mention the really interesting part of this story. It is written in first person.... from General Madera's perspective. I started writing it in omniscient third person. Something was bothering me about it, though. It was reading as a really dry summary, in my opinion. I needed to spice it up, give it some personality. And the idea suddenly hit me. We have not met General Madera EVER. We only hear what other people think or say about him.

I rewrote it all. I am excited about this. But it made me realize something about my writing. I rarely use first person. Really. I cannot remember anything I have written in first person. I must have written in first person as part of a class, or something. I use first person in poetry, when I decide to make my sorry attempts. Rather, when I made my sorry attempts. I don't write poetry anymore. I don't really even like to read it.

Sidetrack. So anyway, I have a ten page short story written from General Madera's perspective, and we finally hear some firm information about what happened to the world, how he rose to power, and (drum roll) the Chihuahua rebellion. I am in middle of it right now.

I cannot wait to find out what happens.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snownami? Bless you!

Okay, so the weather has been lame so far. Yeah, we had the Thundersnow, which was kinda cool. We did get like 8-10 inches of snow dumped on top of a thin sheet of ice. Yeah, the kids were out of school for four days.

But that was no Snowpocalypse.

I see from the weather forecast that there is NO snow predicted at all. You do realize that President's Day is coming, right? We always have bad snows between Valentine's Day and President's Day. You aren't going to actually pay attention to that dumb ass groundhog, right? 'Cuz, we want our pants
DROWNING in that white stuff, okay?

I want to dig a snow tunnel for the Boy. I want to have to dig snow trenches so my dog will be willing to go outside to pee. I want to be grateful that I shop in bulk, and have like five gallons of organic milk frozen in my freezer, right next to the packages of dead animal that the Husband bagged last December.

Yup. It is official. I think I may have to finally hand in my Texas birth certificate. I actually know what winter looks like, and I kinda like it.

In other news. The Boy and I went to the library today and checked out a bunch of books. Most were for him. Dang, that kids loves to read. It pleases me to see him lost in his books (it means I have longer to be lost in mine.)

My new books were all... about vampires. I shit you not. The next two Sookie Stackhouse books, and then the next two Anita Blake books (those will take no time at all, since I know how to skim LKH's books). Additionally, I requested The Strain, another vampire book.

Sensing a theme? I don't know why I read them. Well, probably the same reason I read Douglas Adams, or Stephen King. Sometimes, I want to be transported to another world, and I like being a little scared of things that aren't real. Makes reality a little easier to deal with.

Not that I ever get scared by any of this now. Stephen, you have let me down. I had to put down The Shining when I first read it. Same with Salem's Lot. Didn't get scared by The Dome. Sorry. And Doug is dead, so I cannot berate him. Although, dammit, his description of Ronald Reagan STILL gives me the creeps.

Okay, so, back to winter. I am good on reading material. I am good on writing material. (The editing is done, I think. I will be contacting a handful of special folks out there...)

...and really? I was kidding about the snow days. A five day Snowpocalypse would ruin my writing routine. So, make sure you hit on a Friday evening, okay? That way the Boy can get to school on Monday.


Friday, February 4, 2011


I think I just finished it. Now to finish the editing, and then the peer review begins.

I just finished it.