- Book Deal: not yet (but read on)
- New car: very likely (read on, I told you...)
- Skyfall: OH. YES. (wiping drool off chin)
- Exercise: not every day, but most days, and I've lost weight this year.
- Spine: Stronger, maybe mild scoliosis (figuratively, new readers)
- Dates: we've been pretty good, actually, in the latter half of this year. Nights out are happening!
- No apologies: kinda like the spine--that is a work in progress. Apologizing is part of me, but I am starting to accept who I am, and forcing others to when I am right.
- Writing: well, that one has been a weird one. I was writing every day for 2+ hours in the spring. Got shot to shit during the summer (move, summer class, grandmother's funeral). Fall started okay, but the Boy is in afternoon kindergarten, which is making it more challenging to actually get my writing time in. Plus, the current home's desk set up is less than inviting. I may start doing more on the laptop (shudder).
So, that is where I am. Pretty good. Now... about that book deal. I finished Book 1: "The General's Heir", and passed it along to peer readers. Got some great feedback... and decided that I had to rewrite the whole thing. I needed to focus on my heroine. So, rewrote the book into first person. She's telling her story. I expanded scenes, trimmed others, and finally told the story of what happened in Tejhaus before and after the rebellion, and how she came to decide to go to Stone Country. The book is so much stronger.
I finished the rewrites at the end of August, and then started editing. I finished the week of Thanksgiving, and promptly emailed David Hazard for a recommendation for a professional editor: I am funny with hyphens and ellipses...as my regular readers (ha!) know. We set up a meeting to discuss finally working together (since I have money coming from my grandmother).

And then Wednesday struck. I had a car accident. My lovely little Honda Civic has been a loyal member of my family, but she's on life support, and her age ain't making it look good. A 1997 coupe with 170K miles... if they don't declare it totaled, it will be a miracle. I love that car. It was the first car I picked out and bought. She was overpriced, and used. But I paid her off slowly (with the Husband paying as well after we got married), and she's been faithful and dependable.
So, yesterday, instead of focusing on the fact that my body had had a shock, and I needed to just read, I spent most of the day beating myself up for the accident. Sure, I wanted a new car, but not til the money was there. She was supposed to outlast the Saturn. I went from quiet mourning to anger and back.
And then, late last night, I remembered my 2012 Goals. I really had met some of them. Maybe...just maybe, the stars are aligned, and I will meet the first goal. On Monday, I plunge into revising my query letter and creating my spreadsheet for literary agents to hit. When the editing is done, I am unstoppable.
I will it to be so.
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