Monday, January 10, 2011

Elevator Speech

So, I have attended several talks given by David Hazard. (OMG, look what I just did, I did a link!!!)


So, I have attended several talks given by David Hazard. Besides being a damn good motivator, he also gives you lots of ideas about what to do with your work. One of his suggestions, when you are trying to get someone to pay attention to your novel/book/article/etc, is to have an elevator speech ready. Think of it this way: you get into an elevator with the publisher of your dreams, and you've got 'til the tenth floor to sell your book!

I have a meeting with David next week. It was supposed to be this week, but... well, he and I agreed that it is a post-modern short story, how we kept NOT meeting this week. Anyway, I have been working on my elevator speech. Tell me what you think. Whether you have read my novel(s) or not, I am interested to hear your thoughts. And if it sucks, has bad verb tenses, or whatever, just tell me. Only my friends are reading this... so far.

Elevator Speech for The General’s Heir- Book 1

Thirty years after the apocalypse, the rulers of two rival territories agree to become allies, and propose to seal the treaty with a possible marriage between their children. Fleeing from her father’s expectations and rule, Elena Madera is charmed by Grant Stone, and enters willingly into an arranged marriage in a foreign land. However, the cultural differences between the two territories become increasingly apparent as Elena struggles to win the leadership roles for which she was groomed, and she builds a dangerous alliance with the mysterious Chief of Information, Scott Walters. Using diplomacy, intrigue, and a few threats, Elena manages to succeed, and questions only one action she has taken: did she choose a worthy mate?

...I await your input.


DM said...

Wow, that's weird. I posted a big long comment here but now it's gone... which is probably for the best, because it was a rambling stream-of-consciousness sort of thing. Sort reply is that this is an excellent, concise synopsis. I'm thinking over it to comment in more detail later. Should it be a summary or more of a sales pitch?

Average Joe said...

This seems like a good synopsis. In answer to RR, you should try making this more of a sales pitch for the whole series, not just the first book. That's just my 2 cents though.

DM said...

Yeah, doing something to point out it could be the first of a series would be good. Also playing up the post-apocalyptic aspect could help. That's a hot genre right now.

Heather V. said...

I guess I need to figure out the whole freaking arc before hand? Gawd... I have only just finalized the first novel!! I have stuff to fix in the second, and only have the vaguest idea of how this will be tied up. I will see what the expert says, I guess...