Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This will be a really short one. I have been reviewing chapter after chapter of the book. It is fun to get lost in the world again. Fun to rediscover things. Fun to read things that were added later on, and not recognize them.

I have figured out a really important scene to add, and how to resolve better the end of this book-- remember that I had cut the original work into two. I am excited to write it. I just wanted to leap in and start writing it today... but I knew I had to find the thread of this world again.

I enjoyed the 'snow day' today with the Boy... but darn if I didn't think "Dang, now I won't be able to write this morning"...

Attention has been paid, and I am getting work done... yay, me.

1 comment:

DM said...

I was reading somewhere that Roald Dhal (the guy who wrote James and the Giant Peach?) said that the key to productive writing to to stop while you are in the middle of something. Even stop mid sentence while you are writing, or leave a few paragraphs of a chapter left to write when you stop for the day. The idea is that you will know what you want to write so that when you sit to write again the next day you don't need to think about it too much and you can build momentum. So, so long as you know where you want to go with your writing, it is ok to have a break, I suppose.